Castle of Prague at night. The Prague Castle, the office
residence of the Czech President, at night. Slightly overexposed. Nikon 601 24-50 and Agfa
Ultra 50, some 15 sec. No tripod used as I forgot it in the trunk... July 1992
A traditional old church with wooden roof in Bily Ujezd,
Czech Republic. There is an axe in the roof: an old saying says that one of the roof
workers was falling off the roof and he saved himself by slamming the axe into the roof,
thus stopping his fall. They left the axe there as to remember the incident.1N with 28-70L
on Fuji Reala 100. September 1995 |
Eiffel Tower at night. A pretty cheesy one-in-a-million shot
of the Eiffel Tower in Paris at night. I thought to put it here anyway... T90, 20-35L,
Agfacolor 200. March 1993
The pyramid at Louvre. The illuminated pyramid in the Louvre,
Paris. Nikon 601 24-50. A stone was used as tripod which was left behind at the hotel... June
Two skyscrapers in Paris . The Fiat (left) and ELF
buildings at La Defense, Paris. The Fiat building is a clear-cut black block, while the
ELF building is way more modern looking. Although the ELF building is way bigger, it takes
only 1/3 of the energy for the air-conditioning due of its modern design. T90, 20-35L,
Agfacolor 100. March 1993 |
La Nouvelle Arche, Paris. The original Arche de Triomphe
wasn't probably big enough, so the French built this 110 meter tall office building at La
Defense, in the super-modern part of Paris. Of course I had to get up there, and no doubt
I got airsick as usual... Note that Jean-Michel Jarre once used this background for one of
his extremely spectacular concerts with the mandatory laser show. T90, 20-35L, Agfacolor
100. March 1993 |
Stockalper Castle, Brig. The "Stockalperschloss"
in Brig, Switzerland, at night. It is Switzerland's largest castle - now you see why the
French or German just laugh at that sight. January 1994
Town Hall in Stockholm. A view of Stockholm on a cloudy
afternoon. Unfortunately underexposed. While we were in Stockholm we were extremely lucky
to enjoy weather like this - normally it was pouring rain. T90, 20-35L, Agfacolor 100. July
1993 |
I-5 in Seattle at night. A view across the I-5 towards the
Pacific, as taken from the border of the probably most expensive part of Seattle,
according to the houses and the parked cars. The Space Needle would be a bit more to the
right. Elite 100. June 1994
Chicago, IL. A tricky double exposure showing the moon and a
skyscraper. First shot the moon with 75-200/2x extender and then the building with 20-35L
at 20mm on Agfachrome CT100. Note that the moon is upside down. May 1994
Fancy building in Seattle. Don't know what the name of the
building is, but it is definitely not suitable for San Francisco, as it probably is not
earthquake safe at all... But then, what is! T90, 20-35L, Kodak Elite 100. June 1994
Stanford Hoover Tower at midnight. It was a very
cloudy and windy night, and I had the Hoover Tower just for myself. T90, 20-35L, Agfacolor
Ultra 50, 50 sec at 3.5. February 1995
Stanford Main Quad at midnight. T90, 20-35L,
Agfacolor Ultra 50, 20 sec at 3.5. February 1995
Golden Gate Bridge at night. Notice the full moon
just rising over the San Francisco Bay. T90, 20-35L, Agfacolor Optima 125, at 3.5. February