The Fattest Pixel Multi-Millionaire
Being the crazy photographer
that I am, once I learned that I'll be able to go to a roll-out, of course I
started thinking what equipment to bring along. Knowing that my chances of
coming back for a re-run were about as good as those of this country going
metric during my lifetime, I knew I had to get the big guns. Not so much because
I think that size matters, but because I like REALLY large prints, and let's
face it, the awesome D30 pictures from 2001 don't even fill my screen today. It
became obvious that
I needed to organize a P45 back. This is however easier said
than done.
I can't really explain the details, but I got a loaner P45. If it is anything as
good as its presentation, it will be awesome, I thought: the back comes in an
aluminum suitcase with magnificent padding - which it badly needed, because
FedEx delivered it in a soaking wet, for all intents and purposes destroyed
shipping box.
Along with the back I needed a MF body. I opted for the Contax 645 because I
have used it extensively in the past and felt really comfortable with it. Since
I got the back a week early I could go practice first. That turned out to be a
really good idea, because in the past 6 years I've forgotten how clumsy a MF
camera feels compared to say a Canon 1Ds (and you thought that one was heavy).
When dealing with a digital back, and specifically the P45, you'll realize that
it's a different game from your P&S or even DSLR. Slow capture. Premeditated everything. Raw capture only
(not that there's anything wrong with that). Huge files. In direct comparison
with the
Aptus 22 which I've also used, the P45 has a cumbersome menu system
that's operated with four buttons instead of the Leaf's touch screen. The screen
is tiny and has color accuracy that could rival that of my original 1Ds (that's
not a good thing). Add to that a very dithered display, and you basically don't
know what it is you just shot. But again, most people either use the P45 tethered
or don't even look at the display, so
they don't notice this problem. NOTE: As of October 2006, this has
been fixed by PhaseOne with the release of the P+ digital back series. Still no
touch screen, but a good normal one. I actually prefer this to a touch-screen.
The back loves light. Lots
of it. Initially, the roll-out was scheduled for 02:00 EDT, which would have
given us really unique pictures - but probably not with the P45. Its ISO range
is 50-400, with 400 sucking less than one may expect but still not something I'd
choose to use if given a choice. Combined with the fact that the Contax 645 can
capture only up to 32s long exposures, the P45 doesn't cooperate with the Contax
in Bulb mode, and that the crawler can crawl a noticeably long distance in 32s
let's say I was happy that the roll-out was delayed until 12:30 EDT.
Shooting is not much harder than with a normal DSLR, even if slower. Problem is
diffraction: since this is medium format, you need f16 or more to get some real
DOF (the shuttle is quite fat); but anything above f11 will give you serious
diffraction. On the other hand, you need a fast shutter speed when hand holding
the camera: the mirror is so huge that the resulting flap is noticeable with
anything slower than 1/350s, based on my tests. So you are looking for enough
light at ISO 100, f11, 1/500s. Now go do the math.
Now this may give you the impression that I didn't like the P45. Just the
contrary: I loved it, and the only reason that I didn't run to the next store
and bought it was its sticker price of ... well, I don't actually know, it's not
well advertised - and the local camera store doesn't have them in stock; but the
commonly used ballpark figure is $1k/megapixel. All I
am saying is that I was pretty much abusing a wonderful camera and made it do
something it wasn't really intended for. It's meant to be used by studio
photographers, either shooting hot girls in bikinis or some yummy dinner plates
or wine bottles. Rarely, a P45 may be found in the arsenal of a landscape
photographer - but let's face it, how many landscape photographers can afford
it? The studio photographer has all the strobes he can dream of, and the
landscape shooter has a tripod, since the mountain & lake scene typically
doesn't run away (unless you are shooting a receding glacier these days). But
who on earth would shoot it handheld, a moving subject under natural light? I
had to be crazy.
Click on the first image
to start a slide show for this chapter (20 pictures)
Images shown below are a small selection.
In slide show, click on image to return to index.
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All things considered, the P45 did extremely well - as well as I would let it. Clearly, I could have done a better job, mainly if I had known what to expect; had I not lost the level (and thus ended up with crooked images); had I not run out of batteries at the most inopportune moments; had I had a Contax telephoto lens in my bag. Photographer errors aside, the software seems to be the weakest link here. I have been using C1 since the day it became available on the Mac, and never quit using it. I still think it's the best thing out there, esp. with respect to color and workflow. My only beef with it is the way it handles shadow detail - or the lack thereof. Again, I am faulting a piece of software for not being able to do something it wasn't originally designed for (since C1 is mainly a sidekick of the PhaseOne backs). Still, C1 makes shadow detail look like a wax sculpture, not in a good way. Normally, you can open your occasional night image in Photoshop and then marvel about the revealed details, but when facing a P45 image that's not an option - Photoshop doesn't support any PhaseOne camera backs, as if they weren't the market leader. Some research has shown that RawDeveloper does a splendid job with dark P45 images (even though its workflow completely sucks when compared to C1), so by the end of the day it was all good.
I have been asked if I'd take the P45 with me if I had to do it over again. My answer is yes, but I would be more selective about where to use it, or I would require more time. Especially the OPF and VAB visit on the first day was way too rushed in order to do the P45 any justice whatsoever. If I had two hours for the OPF alone, I'd take the P45 in a heartbeat; otherwise I wouldn't even bother, as a 1Ds2 at ISO 1000 would give me far better coverage and better pictures of what's actually going on inside. But at the end of the day I think that the P45 pictures which I brought home were well worth the effort. I have a feeling that they won't fall out of favor anytime soon.